Our History
Booktrack is globally recognized as a leader in audiobook services and technology, with over 12 years of working with the big names, and the smaller boutiques in global publishing.
Booktrack started life as a publishing innovator with soundtracks for eBooks, and education literacy products. We are now focused on delivering high-end audiobook production services at freelancer prices from our studio and creating innovative technology products for audiobook publishers.
Our global footprint means we service clients from all over the world.
Studio Leadership
MArcus Davis
VP Technology & Production
Multi Award Winning
Producer | Engineer | Writer
Amber Davis
VP Content & Post Production
Audio Producer | Operations Manager
Amber and Marcus Davis, multi-awarded songwriters and producers, have made Manila their home base for the last 13 years, where their names are synonymous with high quality production. They have written and produced some of the biggest songs and ads in Manila, working with international artists and brands. With a wealth of knowledge in Audio Production, Amber and Marcus now head up the Booktrack Production Team in Manila.
Our Locations
Toronto, Canada
Hong Kong
Manila, Philippines
Auckland, New Zealand
Our Awards
Get in touch
Ready to take the next step or just curious what kinds of solutions Booktrack can offer you?